Telangana State Anti Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB)

Central Co-ordination

Coordination with Central Agencies

  1. NCB(Narcotic Control Bureau)
  2. DRI(Directorate of Revenue Intelligence)
  3. IB(Intelligence Bureau)
  4. FRRO(Foreigners Regional Registration Office)
  5. ED(Enforcement Directorate) and
  6. Customs
  • Joint operations in co-ordination with central and state agencies.
  • Sharing of data on old cases and habitual offenders between central and state agencies and following “controlled delivery” technique to arrest the receiver.
  • Exchange of information about the emerging trends in the drug trafficking.
  • Access to the Interrogation Reports and Forensic data of the mobile phones etc.
  • Technological support from NCB for setting up of forensic and technical Ex: Software, tools, gadgets, scanners, rapid drug testing kits, etc.